Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day two

Well its 1:10am but for some reason I'm not very tired, so I'll add my next entry.
Porridge for breakfast...something in me simply can't swallow food that already looks digested, too lumpy and warm...I stuck with toast and nutella, and fresh fruit.
We harnessed the dogs about 11:00, Sage made himself a bother, wouldn't shut up, and I learned firsthand exactly how hard Big Harry can pull. We get thedogs to the dropchain (sorta like a waiting room) by lifting them onto their hindlegs by the collar and walking them. Harry and Mia are the biggest, but Sage is so wild he's almost as hard to control as Harry. Micki is calm and patient, but Ella is easiest. She bounces along like she was born on two legs, and she's so light.
Today our destination is the Wall Tents, where we will spend the next two nights. To get there, we spend an hour on the frozen Fish Lake, curling around the lower mountains and into a valley cut by the lake surrounded by breathtaking peaks, breaking out of the forests on their slopes to scrape the sky with their brilliant white crowns. We leave the lake to enter the bush, ducking and weaving to avoid branches laden with snow. On the off chance I do hit one, snowflakes find their way down my back, the freezing cold half hated, half desired to cool off after the effort of pushing the sled up hills the dogs can't quite drag me up.

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